Saturday 10 August 2013

Lord Noel on 'Maybe You Should Have Moved On'

Whatto! Peeps...

With a major recession on the way there are a few tell tale signs that you may have spent far too long with the same Organistion......

...If your working life displays four or more of these signs then it's pretty certain...

Your salary has remained roughly the same for the past four years whilst Board members now take home more money than the budgets of the entire third world countries combined.

You know exactly how many days you've got left until you retire.
New Interviewees, despite not having the relevant knowledge or experience, terminate the interview when they find out the starting salary.
You see a good looking, smart person and you know they must be a visitor.

The work experience person gets a brand-new state-of-the-art laptop with all the features, but you have time to go for lunch while yours powers up.

Being 'off sick' is now redefined as 'you can't walk or you're in hospital'.

You're already late on the assignment you've only just been given and your boss's favorite lines seem to be: When you've got a few minutes...Could you just fit this in...? your spare time...when you're freed up...I know you're busy but...this is a great opportunity for you... 
There's no money in the budget for the five permanent staff your department is short of, but they can afford four full-time management consultants advising your boss's boss on 'strategy'.

Holiday is something you have to keep rolling over to next year.

Every week another brown collection envelope comes round because someone you didn't know had started is now leaving and you start to wonder "Who's going to be left to put into MY 'leaving' collection?"

The only reason you recognize your kids is because their pictures are on your desk.

Women employees wear makeup specifically designed for fluorescent lighting.
Free food left over from meetings has become your staple diet.

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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