What ho! Pepys...
Lady Jacqueline and I have recently made a momentous step forward in our travel arrangements.
Gone are the expensive package deals to far away continents (for the time being anyway) as we have decided to explore the beauty of jolly old Englandia and that of nearby Europia - a mere stones throw (if you are throwing the said stones from a nuclear powered rocket launcher) and ferry ride away from our humble place of abode.
To help us in our quest allow me introduce our chaperon 'LANCE'...
Take a bow LANCE....
It has lots of Mod Cons! Why even the doors close!
This is what I like to call our fitted living bed dining kitchen room
Aha! I've found somewhere quiet to sit (after we've finished driving - although having experienced some of Lady Jacqueline's driving maybe I'll sit here ALL the time)
I can just imagine Lady J and myself cooking our Lobster thermidor right here - or perhaps even the fingers of fish....how exotic!
Our front door! Where we can greet visitors and exit to explore the outside world after a nourishing sleep on the cleverly designed sleeping platform!
Here one can see another clue of Lance's previous life....
Lady J says this will come in very handy when my new trolley stretcher arrives (though why anyone would want to stretch a trolley is beyond me)
As one can see the previous owners were fastidious in their arrangements for filing everything away in it's proper place...they even created these handy removable drawers
The indoor loo cupboard even has facilities for installing state of the art TV equipment! (For those 'extra long visits' or for watching the Olympics whilst jettison ones fingers of fish)
Below one can observe a pleased and very proud new owner - surveying her newly cleansed travelhome!
And although I'm not a real Doctor - I've no doubt that whilst I'm living within such a reassuring structure...
I'm bound to catch the odd punter who wants some of my magical potions or free medical advice
Best Wishes - Lord Noel
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