Friday 13 July 2012

Lord Noel Is Puzzled

What ho! Pepys...

Those of you who know of my good wife Lady Jacqueline will also be aware of her addiction to puzzles of any kind (some unkind persons say that's why she became married to moi in the first place).
In times gone by it was the reliable old Crossword book which took pride of place within her delicate mitt, with her trusty biro always at the ready to fill in the small regular shaped boxes surrounded by the black squares of nothingness. Well readers I am pleased to say that she has finally abandoned the Crossword! Yes! I can honestly say that for the past month there hasn't been a crossword between us.
She has found instead that the internet provides a regular and relentless queue of like-minded oddballs willing and able to submit to the online pleasures of an altogether more cerebral game.....
The game I speak of is....Scrabble! I believe she may have now taken this up Professionally as she often plays this game for hours on end each day.
Yesterday I decided to try to distract her from her growing compulsion by playing on her baser womanly desires as I whispered passionately in her ear "Lady Jacqueline, what is your favourite position for Sex!?"... which she replied "With the X on the Triple word score!"

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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