Monday 28 July 2008

Lord Noel Believes Life's A Beach


.......and welcome to the time of year when we let out the unfamiliar battle cry of..........

........"Once more unto the Beach my friends!"

I was lucky enough to find myself with some free time on my hands the other day................

So I took myself down to the lucious sea shore............

The water was busy with jet skis - some with water skiers in tow.............

I even saw two chaps in canoes boating up and down...................

I got in for a swim and found - to my delight - that the water became wonderfully bearable after just a couple of minutes.....................

.....making the swim even more enjoyable and refreshing.......................


......about six feet away from me in the water..................

...up popped a wonderfully shiney black smiling face to take a quick peek at me..............

....yes!........It was SEAL!!!
What a surprise! Why people want to club him to Death is beyond me!!................
Tallyho everyone!!
Best wishes - lord Noel

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