Friday 5 July 2013

Lord Noel's Sign Language Course

Whattho! Pepys...

It was Winston Churchill who first made famous the V for Victory sign
as he convinced everyone that firghting another war would make everything okay.
But I find it confusing when Soldiers make the same sign -
I can only presume this is because they believe themselves to be 'Fighting for Peace'?

The variation on this sign is made with a quick twist of the wrist...
...and usually indicates something else entirely.
As can be seen in Churchills reply to the remaining soldiers who returned home after World War 2 asking if the Government was going to honour it's pledge to treat them all as 'returning heroes'

This is now a universally recognised sign that is used internationally-
...but not necessarily with the same meaning.

So now you know!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel