Saturday 13 September 2008

Lord Noel Enjoys Sausage!

Whatttttto! my virtual friends!..
Lovely to share some moments with you once again!...
I would like to recount a recent incident which I believe is worthy of some note..
I walked into town today... alone... it was the Chauffeurs day orf!
...........and I said "Can I have some Irish sausages please?"
I am (as you probably gathered from the family name) of Irish decent, and unlike so many other 'Titled' people wish to stay firmly 'in touch' with my roots!.
Anyway........ I also wanted to make a proper Irish hot-dog.
The shop assistant looked at me and enquired, "Are you Irish?"
....I was absolutely livid!!
So I scowled at him and demanded in a very commanding way.....
... "My good man......If I asked you for Italian sausage...

...would you ask me if I was Italian? Or, if I asked for German bratwurst?
...would you ask me if I was German? Or if I asked you for a Kosher hot dog?
...would you ask me if I was Jewish? Or, if I asked you for a Taco,
would you ask me if I was Mexican?
Would you, eh? .....WOULD YOU?!!!!"
The assistant appeared shaken by my ferocious response and ....
.....gathering his composure gingerly replied, " no".
So (having gained the higher ground)............I continued......
...."And if I asked you for some Bourbon whiskey?..

...........would you ask me if I was American? AND What about Danish pastry?...
............would you ask me if I was Danish?"
"Well, I probably wouldn't," came his timid response.
Aha!!!! (Perhaps self-righteously) I demanded, "Well, all right then, why did you ask me if I'm Irish? Just because I asked for Irish Sausages?!!!"
"Because........."you're in a shoe shop!"
Tallyho Everyone!!!
Best wishes - Lord Noel

(note to self.....make appointment with Specsavers asap)

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