Tuesday 23 September 2008

Lord Noel Is Happy To Hack

Whatto! and a VERY good day to you all!
Today I went out on a hack on "Dolly" - a lovely white horse. 
We went round the edges of some nearby fields together and I was in my element.

There's something very special about being out amongst Nature on a horse.
I was Hacking with two other people who were very happy 
to enjoy the whole peace and quiet of the experience.....
I love the feel of a horse under me...... the slow sway as she walks...
... the shake of her mane as she rides.....
....the way I can feel her whole body vibrate between my legs when she snorts out loudly from those massive lungs to clear her nose...
.......the sudden spurt of sheer power as she moves effortlessly into a trot, canter or gallop...
.. that distinctively earthy 'horsey' smell that comes up from her back as she warms up in the sunshine....
.. the way she glances back at me every now and then with her ears cocked - trying to weigh me up..
.... the way she stumbles and loses her footing from time to time as she walks - reminding me that she isn't a machine....
.... and the way she knew all the best route around puddles and holes.

....and I love the countryside..
....the newly turned yellow and brown leaves fluttering down from the trees like butterflies..

........the burgeoning trees and brambles with their black elderberry and blackberry fruit - ripe for collecting by anyone with energy and a basket.

...the newly ploughed fields ready now for over-wintering.....
.. and the maturing winter crops of familiar greens.

...and the bursting seed pods of the thistle..
....blowing with the cooling breeze - reminding us of an ever approaching Autumn.
I had to laugh out loud a couple of times at the lady who led ....
.. her horse kept flicking it's head and with each flick sent a huge dollop of saliva over it's head 
and straight at her!... She managed to avoid it ... most of the time!
(and I wondered why she was wearing a water-proof top!)

Tallyho!! Everyone!!............
Best wishes - Lord Noel

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