Thursday 29 May 2008

Lord Noel Does Some Spontaneous Songwriting

Hello & Whatto to all and sundry!!

Welcome to my latest missive from Virtual Manor............

Those of you who know me will also be unsurprised by the fact that I consider myself at one with nature.............

Most days i can be found walking round the lanes that run through our rural idyll without a care in the world!.................

I was out walking the other day and the sights I saw inspired me to rush back to the Pianoforte and knock out a little ditty.....................

I hope you like it...........................

Obviously you wont have the benefit of hearing me sing..... so you may like to enjoy it purely on a poetic level.................

'Nature' - By Lord Noel

Oh Nature you're a wonderous lass!
you're smacking humans on the ass
with sights that bring the heart to brimming full.
The squirrels that race up the tree
and wag their tails and take a pee
way high above the pigeon and the gull.
And of them all - the ones with guts
are Great tits swinging on my nuts
they make me laugh and giggle till I'm ill.

Tally ho!
I shall be placing this song (amongst others) on my greatest hits CD which should be available in the Autumn.
Best wishes to you all - Lord Noel


brown eyed girl said...

Will you be posting some of your songs on your blog, my lord?

Lord Noel & Lady Jacqueline said...

Thank you for your enquiry Brown Eyes - I certainly intend to show the world what talent I have in the song writing department - Im sure once the world gets a taste of me - they wont be able to resist my outpourings!