Wednesday 23 January 2013

Lord Noel's Message

Whatto! Pepys...

We can all change the world.
It is simple.
We can begin today, now, by simply considering and acting wherever we can.
If... we plant fruit trees, there will be free fruit for people and increasing oxygen levels. 
The ecosystem will flourish.
If… we grow edible gardens instead of monoculture grass, especially in cities and towns. Many parks will have edible gardens as leisure zones. 
People will interact more with the Earth and each other. Friendship will blossom.
If… we begin to share our resources, really share. Invite others to share shopping trips, create food co-ops, gardens, allotments, share fuel…
Don’t be frightened to share…our existence on Earth is not a competition.
If…we nurture compassion and kindness then all abundance and contentment will follow.
If…we stop blaming our parents and society for all that is not right in our world and instead, take the problems, one by one and try to address them - then we will make progress.
Blame changes nothing.
If…we realise that destiny is about choice, and that each choice generates an energy and how we direct that energy creates the consequences we then live with.
We are all sacred souls on a journey. 
Your journey. 
Your choice to change the world you inhabit it for the better.
If…we understand the power within us and how we speak that power we also understand that words are powerful…uplift others with your words today…and good energy will return to you.

I read this powerful message here and I can feel the energy growing inside me already!

Best Wishes - Lord Noel

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